Lee Swords Fishing

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February Blog part II

Well this is a sad February blog because as anyone that is anyone in specimen angling knows, Terry Lampard died last week, very sad indeed. I have been fortunate enough to have fished with some of the greats in modern angling and even more fortunate in that I can count a few of them as friends. […]

Kingfisher V

KINGFISHER CHRONICLE V The Imperial Aftermath       Kingfisher picked up the torn and crumpled piece of parchment that had been flung at him; he began to read the notice, it was short and to the point, it simply stated that all restricted creatures must vacate the city walls within twenty four hours. For all his […]

Pike Fishing…A Guest article by Lewis Gaukroger

Chasing The Big Girls By Lewis Gaukroger   Over the last couple of season I have been privileged to guest on a picturesque lake specifically targeting pike. Primarily used for duck shooting the lake is rarely fished; overgrown in its natural beauty the lake has been left alone to evolve with the changing seasons. Supporting […]

Guest article…In search of an Upper Severn Monster Barbel – by Jerry Gleeson

In search of an Upper Severn Monster by Jerry Gleeson Having been lucky enough to catch quite a few monster barbel from my local river I decided I needed a new challenge, now living in a barbel wilderness and not being able to drive this posed a bit of a problem, I didn’t want it […]

Tim ( Ridge’s) Tench Rigs!!

Tim’s Tench rigs, well, what is there to say about these rigs? Apart from the blatantly obvious… ” They are better than mine!”  ( Written in a suitably jealous shade of green!) A fine selection of “fake” bait rigs that are the work of somebody with OCD and I mean that in a good way, […]

Kingfisher Chronicle IV

  CHAPTER FOUR   The Imperial edict is enforced     Kingfisher turned and looked at the two people he trusted most in the whole world, he needed help and he needed it fast, his guts were twisting up in knots and the asprintia tonic he had taken from the Wizard Necrototh was swiftly losing […]

A Guest Article by Ron Clay…Early Days of the Sheffield Specimen Hunters

Early Days of the Sheffield Specimen Hunters    By Ron Clay   Some of you might be aware that I am working on a book which will be part autobiographical, and part an account of what happened during the early days of the Sheffield Specimen hunting scene. The following is a pre-view of what is […]

Another Guest Barbel Article from Barbel Extremadura

Hello my name is Jaun David Herrero Carriches  but you can call me John! I am a 28 year old Spaniard and must apologise at this point for my poor command of the English  language * No apologies needed John as your English is far better than my Spanish. Ed. I may be quite young but I have a […]

Kingfisher Chronicle III

Kingfisher Chronicle CHAPTER THREE   Generals Jahmedhi and Gronk Generals Jahmedhi and Gronk are a strange partnership, Jahmedhi is as pure blood a Goblin as one is ever likely to meet, which is something unusual in itself considering how many other Goblins ( himself included ) have mated with both wild and domestic animals over the years creating […]