Lee Swords Fishing

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Lee Swords Fishing…Five minutes with “The Monk”

I first met the “character” known as “The Monk” a fair few years ago whilst on the Fishingmagic.com website, it soon became apparent to me that this chap had been there in the early days of carp fishing and knew more about the evolution of the sport than pretty much anyone else I had ever come across. Over the years I have drifted away from Fishingmagic.com but I still keep in touch with several of the old members via the magic of Facebook.

Taking advantage of this new social technology I decided to ask The Monk a few questions about the old days, fishing today and his memories of  past glories.

The Monk

1. What are your earliest memories of fishing?

Monk 2

In the 50′s fishing on the Rochdale Canal with a neighbour who was much older than me John, roach fishing mainly, although towards the end of the 50′s we started stalking koi carp, the local mill lodges and canal was full of them, we called them black and ambers, they averages a few pounds to say 5lb’s and would take crust presented in the reed beds, usually with a tank ariel rod and centre pin Nottingham star back reel with cat gut lines
2. When did the bug really bite and you found that fishing was becoming something more than just a hobby?

Probably the early 60′s, that’s all I did apart from my other love playing the guitar, by the 70′s the carp bug had bitten and that was it for about the following 30 years or so, I fished exclusively for carp both in the UK and overseas.

monk french sunset
3. What would consider to be your best catch?

Difficult to say really, probably my largest carp, a 39.5 lb French common.

monk carp
4. How does fishing today compare with the “good old days”?

I rarely fish these days, still have plenty of tackle but rarely wet a line, carp fishing went a bit strange after 1980, now everyone fishes for them, they have names and we know what’s in all the waters, all the secrets have gone for me and I was spoiled really by European fishing and fishing in the USA, I spent years chasing 10 lb’ers in the 70′s, now everyone catches 30′s and 40′s, all the magic has gone for me.

monk usa
5. Do you think that the superstars of today are as good as the ground breakers of yesteryear?

Carp fishing is easier today, especially since the introduction of the hair and bolt rig and all the special tackle.  There is no more making your own, a lot of the old skills have been lost, we now have instant carp anglers! just add water! I think it was Jim Gibbinson who said of carp fishing ” In no other sport does time substitute skill”

Home made gear

6. What is your favourite venue and why?

I enjoyed France initially, I no longer have one though.

7. Do you not fish any more at all then?

No, not really, I might just go out in the summer with a fly rod locally at times


8. So nothing  really floats your boat in the angling world these days?

No much really apart from reading about it, I still enjoy that at times and I still have many friends from the old days, but things have changed so much

9. So what is it that really pisses you off about today’s angling scene?

Too commercial, the wilderness appears to have gone, eels still hold an interest for me though, they appear to be the last of the untapped specimens

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10. if you could change one thing about today’s angling scene what would it be?

Bring back the wild, lol!

5 Responses to “Lee Swords Fishing…Five minutes with “The Monk””

  1. another good read lee, keep up the good work.

  2. cheers Jubby!

  3. I can relate to this aticle so much, great read Lee.

  4. It was Eric Hodson who introduced me to The Monk ca 1994. I went over to Mank Land where we tried to catch a pike. We have been in contact ever since. He also blames it on me for introducing the bolt rig.

  5. Yes and rightly so Mr Clay, since you introduced the bolt rig to the UK everyone suddenly began to fish for carp, no longer was it the sport of the solitary nutter , lol

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